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Source : D.G. Posts No. A-34012/01/2013-DE dated 9th January, 2013.

(A) Centralized Examinations : 

1. Inspector of Posts Examination will be held on 7th & 8th September 2013
2. PS Group ‘B’ Examination will be held on 9.6.2013 Sunday
3. Postmaster Grade-I Exam will be held on 9.6.2013 Sunday
4. LGO Examination for PAs/SAs in Circles will be held on 9.9.2013
5. Junior Engineer (C&E) Examination will be notified after receipt of Question Banks and syllabus revised.
6. Asstt. Engineer (C&E) Examination 
 will be notified after receipt of Question Banks and syllabus revised. 
7. Sr. Postmaster Examination Tentatively proposed to be held in November 2013.
8. PAs/SAs Direct Recruitment Examination 20th October 2013 for 2013 vacancies.
9. Assistant Manager(MMS) will be notified after receipt of revised Recruitment Rules.
10. Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) 
 will be notified after receipt of revised Recruitment Rules. 

(B) Decentralized Examination :

1. Confirmation Examination for direct recruit Jr. Accountants in PAO 11th & 12th May, 2013
2. LDCs to Junior Accountants in PAOs will be held on 15th & 16th June 2013
3. LGOs Examination for promotion to Assistant of other wings i.e. MMS, Foreign Post, RLO, Stores Depot and CO/RO  will be held on 21st July 2013
4. Postman Examination will be held in November 2013 for 2013 vacancies.
5. Direct Recruitment to Multi-Tasking Staff 
 will be held in November 2013 for 2013 vacancies. 
6. Departmental Examination for promotion to LDCs in PAOs from Stores and MTS will be held on 28.07.2013

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