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Department of Posts, India is organizing an all-India stamp designing competition on Children's Day. The best design will be chosen and issued as an actual stamp and the winner will get a cash prize too. Department of Post has been organizing stamp designing competition since 1998 and children are especially encouraged to participate in it. 

The subject for this year's competition is 'A day with my grandparents'. The design could be in ink, water colour, oil colour among others. Participants are free to use drawing paper, art paper. The participants are to make an original design on this subject. Name, date of birth, Class and complete residential address as well as school of the participant should be written legibly on the reverse of the design.

There will be three groups of participant ranging. Students of Class IV and below will comprise one group, Class V to VIII, second and Class IX to XII, third group. The prize winning design in each category will be considered for use on stamps and other philatelic material. The prize money for all categories will be worth Rs 10,000, Rs 6,000 and Rs 4,000 for first, second and third respectively. The prize winning entries are likely to be chosen for designing the postage stamp, first day cover and miniature sheet. 

Contact your Divisional Superintendent of Post Offices / Senior Postmasters / nearest post office for further information.

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