Good-bye with
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All of you are
well aware that I am due for superannuation from the departmental service on
31.5.2012 and this is almost my parting General Secretary’s Desk. Perhaps I had
the great chance of serving you in the capacity of General Secretary of this
mighty organisation since 2006. I am recalling my affectionate association with
all of you during this period and undoubtedly I am having the paramount pleasure
that I did something to this movement and also to my fellow-men to the best of
my ability. Gandhiji once said “ Satisfaction lies in the efforts; full effort
is full victory” and as such I have not left any stone unturned in my efforts
and exploited all the situations with full efforts to resolve the issues at the
maximum despite the fact that I could not leave a clean slate to my successor.
Of course! It is not possible to anyone. As Com Lenin rightly told that trade
unions are schools for learning; A trade union is an incessant movement and
problems will never end and will creep new issues at any time. I am leaving some
benchmarks to my successor as well as some pending issues for his further follow
up action.
P3, the best
beneficiary on JCA calls
I recollect my
presentations in the August AICs held in Pushkar & Jwalaji on the urgent
need of taking special interest to mitigate the issues of Postal Group ‘C’
comrades and in particular to the shortage of staff and deadlocks in the
promotions which were delaying a decade together. I have sincerely and
seriously acted and settled many of the genuine demands of our Group ‘C’ during
these six years. Whenever the Postal JCA notified strike calls, the best
beneficiary among all was the P3 and many small issues remaining unsettled over
decades were dealt with solutions. I wish to recollect your reminiscences to the
following major advancements we have seen in our area.
exhaustive! Only very few
(i) The
vacancies unfilled up in the LGO examinations (Residual vacancies) since 1999
were filled up. The total no. of such vacancies in PA cadre was approximately to
the extent of 13000 which alone construed to the 15% of total sanctioned
(ii) Mass
scale recruitment of PAs by summoning all DPS Headquarters to Directorate was
carried out in 2009, 2010 in the range of 8000 & 14000 Postal Assistants.
The shortage of staff prevailed to the level of 40% were sorted out. The current
vacancies are also notified for selection. Thus the long pending issue of
shortage of staff in PA cadre has been sorted out despite the fact that there is
no recruitment outside the Postal in Govt. Departments till now.
(iii) First
time, all the examination process has been brought under OMR process with
objective type questions. Resultantly all the Group ‘B’ Posts, earmarked for
General line which were kept unfilled up over decades were filled up. All IP
posts were filled up. Even there is surplus list in LGO exams this year in all
circles which is due to this objective type pattern only. The number of chances
for LGO candidates has been enhanced.
(iv) For
filling up of all vacant IPO posts, surplus system was introduced. After four
years it was discontinued as it affected the interest of candidates of own
(v) P.A.
Recruitment Rules have been revised. To avoid resignation of selected
candidates, all the candidates possessing 60 % in Plus II are now entitled for
selection like Bank & Railway recruitments.
(vi) The
confirmation examination and its adverse effect if not passed within six chances
has been scrapped. Many officials who did not pass the exam in six chances and
stagnated in the last pay drawn are now benefiting.
(vii) Filling
up of all vacant LSG, HSG II & HSG I posts on notional basis and grant of
officiating pay. All HSG I posts now occupied by IP line officials are to be
transferred to general line. Leave sanctioning powers to HSG I Postmasters.
Filling up all vacant LSG APM Accounts posts as per the LSG Recruitment Rules
1976. Revision of LSG recruitment rules.
(viii) Applicability
of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 in respect of those put on induction training prior
to 1.1.2004. Refund of pension contribution to those recovered
(ix) Stepping
up of pay on promotion by comparing direct recruits. Extended the time limit for
revision of option.
(x) Formation
of Scrutiny committee for upgradation of ACR for grant of MACP promotions &
various clarificatory orders on MACP (more than seven; and still three more
(xi) Clear
Instructions on fixing responsibilities under contributory negligence and no
charge sheet without mentioning the violation of rules, upgradation of CR, no
punishment for not performing OTA, irregular imposition of FR17A for the strike,
withholding of pension, gratuity in case of minor case proceedings
(xii) Revision
of honorarium for calculation of RD Premature closure, Processing of PLI/RPLI
claims, for engaging departmental exam, incentive for NREGIS work, Honorarium
for Sixth CPC fixation and drawal of arrears, fixation of pension, Honorarium
for fixation of TRCA, Revision of FSC, Honororium for invigilators, revision of
split duty allowance, revision of SB Allowance, revision of FMC, enhancement of
25% allowances etc. The revised procedure in RPLI incentive at circle levels is
the major achievement.
(xiii) Instructions
on writing CRs.
(xiv) 25%
incentive to Postal staff out of commission earned under business
(xv) Stopped
the move to close 9797 post offices and RMS offices.
(xvi) Formation
of Cadre restructuring committee and the progress.
(xvii) Allowing
physically handicapped officials to write IP examination.
(xviii) Settlement
of various anomalies in post attached quarters, drawal of additional HRA,
delegation of powers for dequarterisation and suspension of quarters and
enhancing the financial powers of the divisional heads in securing accommodation
for the post offices.
(xix) Stoppage
of organizing meetings and melas on all the Sundays & holidays.
(xx) Problems
of systems administrators and grant of conveyance and road mileage allowance to
The above are
some of the noteworthy accomplishments but there are very many; Several long
pending issues were elucidated and settled. We can proudly say that in almost
all the issues, we placed in the Departmental council, we have resolved the
maximum in favour of our comrades. The issues brought to our notice by the
circles; sometimes even by the individuals were promptly attended.
As the Leader,
Staff Side
As the leader
of the Staff Side, JCM (DC), I contributed my best for the settlement of issues
relating to other cadres (other than our P3) also. I had the satisfaction in my
presentation during all the talks we had with the Department either in the
Departmental Council or the Conciliation meetings held on the strike charter of
demands and extended a lot to my fellow comrades. This is the great opportunity
I have been provided due to my selection as the leader of the JCM staff
Trade union
It is the
first time in the history of P&T union, a Trade Union workshop was conducted
in Thiruvanthapuram from 13.02.2011 to 15.02.2011. It was having the
overwhelming response; followed by other unions. The workshop recently conducted
at Puri from 04.02.2012 to 05.02.2012 is the landmark triumph of the CHQ in
cultivating the cadres and leaderships on Trade Union history, Staff rulings,
Disciplinary rules etc.
The materials
compiled by me and distributed at the workshops and also in the two workshops
conducted by NFPE at Munnar and Allahabad are the everlasting reference guides
to our comrades. I had the honest satisfaction of generating a cream of
leadership at all levels through the workshops and the participation of youth is
most awesome. Many Circles followed the CHQ in steering such workshops at circle
with Sixth CPC
It is my
honour and pride to say that it is the first time in the P 3 movement, the draft
Memorandum prepared by me within twenty days of my assumption as General
Secretary for Sixth CPC was placed and discussed threadbare in the CWC held in
Karimnagar. The collective wisdom was experimented. The memorandum submitted by
the CHQ is the masterpiece of our work. I had the great opportunity to assist
other General Secretaries also in preparing their memorandums. The experience I
gained in submission of the memorandum, tendering oral evidences before Sixth
CPC is ever rememberable.
the cadres
(i) Out
of my own experience that how the knowledge on rulings will help the trade
unionists in handling the issues with the administration, the compilation in two
volumes of rulings on Trade Union facilities, CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 & ED
(RA) Rules 1995 were published and released on 25.08.2007 in the Allahabad
(ii) On
the same day another book ‘Venture’, the Compilation of Selective important
orders was launched. This is the first occasion of such activities by
(iii) Hand
Book 2010 was first time launched and printed 15000 copies. This was followed in
2011 & 2012 with 16500 copies & 13500 copies respectively. This is an
historic record.
(iv) An
updated Venture Edition II was related in the Federal council held in June 2010
and 3000 copies were printed.
(v) For
the benefits of GDS, one book titled as GDS Crusader was released in the last
AIC held in Alandi on Jan 2011. 3000 copies were printed.
(vi) Again
for the benefits of GDS comrades, another book titled as ‘GDS Refresher’ was
released in April 2012 to commemorate the formation of AIPEU GDS (NFPE). 3000
copies were printed.
I can proudly
say that despite in the midst of the heavy brunt of the work in the CHQ, I
endeavored and succeeded in releasing those books by foregoing several nights
and burnt the midnight oil to educate the rank & file which I sensed a
revolution of knowledge in the midst of our cadres after seeing their
overwhelming response for those publications.
We can proudly
say that we are the first among all C. G. Government employees
unions/associations launched website for the union on 2007 January itself after
our assumption in the CHQ and placed the memorandum which we submitted to Sixth
CPC as the first post. So far we are having the viewers to the extent of 16
lakhs! So many items essential for the members are being exhibited including the
address, Telephone No. & e-mail address of all divisional secretaries, Govt
orders, manuals, publications, Bhartiya Post etc. Our branches are also
motivated by CHQ in launching web sites for their own and at present our union
is having seven Circle union websites and around 51 Divisional unions' websites.
Thus we inspired all to exploit and fully utilize the benefits of the
mechanization and I.T.
We enriched
and enhanced the superiority of Bhartiya Post among all the journals with the
contents, quality and its presentation and also doubled its size as well as its
subscribers. It comprises everything and as the Editor, I strained my best for
its number one existence among all the union journals and also its prompt
release. In order to penetrate its prominence in the Hindi speaking areas,
minimum of four pages materials are being printed in Hindi with the caption of
‘Dak Jagirithi’.
During this
period, I had the best relationship with all sister unions as well as with other
unions and in particular with Com Theyagarajan, Secretary General FNPO. I
contributed a lot to the joint and effective functioning of all unions. The
contribution I made for the revival & recognition of our Federation,
thwarting the ill move of the Bhartiya union court case and thereafter the
coordinated functioning with NFPE is the benchmark renowned for the effective
joint functioning. I maintained a good relationship with the confederation
leadership and contributed to its functioning also.
Bridged the
gap between the equals
I can proudly
say that my General Secretary Desks, Frequent interactions through mails,
exhibiting all the developments then and there on the website and transparent
functioning has bridged the gap between the leaders and cadres existed earlier.
Even the ordinary member is seeking information directly from CHQ. The Motto
which I adopted in my personal life and also practiced in public life that “ All
are equal: I am one among the equals; Because I got the opportunity, I am
General Secretary; that does not mean I am superior and more knowledgeable:
There are many other intellectuals who did not get the chances; Otherwise they
will shine better than me”.
interaction, I introduced wherever I visited whether it is at circle level or
divisional level has certainly enthusiase the comrades and more youngster are
now embracing active participation in trade unions
More “I” s -
Sorry Please
This is the
first circular that I am using more “I” s because this is my last one and also
the recollection of records of my activities before my departure and also the
study materials for the future leadership to consider and set some of my actions
as bench mark for the effective functioning of the leadership.
Too many Court
cases – not diluted my will
This is also
on the records that I shall be the only General Secretary who had faced 49 court
cases right from Municipal Court to Supreme Court that too from my own circle.
My elections as General Secretary was challenged and many more. Despite all the
mental torture purported by some vested interests, I never tired or slept in
focusing the demands of our comrades. No one can point our any lethargy in my
action in taking up the cases. No paper received by CHQ was filed without any
reply that too sent in time during this period.
I can proudly
say that the recognition cancelled to our union due to the Court case filed in
the Madras High Court by the Bhartiya Federation was thwarted within 20 days and
restored recognition which alone paved way for the recognition of Federations in
the Department of Posts. My timely action and contribution to the court case for
dismissing the case filed by the Bhartiya federation is the milestone for which
Com A.Veeramani, AGS also contributed a lot.
strained but no results
I tried my
best in focusing all the issues. However there are some issues which I could not
get positive results like counting of services to RTP. The cadre review proposal
submitted by us has not been finalized so far. Orders in respect of the many
assurances decided during talks on strike charters have not been issued. Of
course! One cannot have a clean slate!
I never
desired, thought or expected to become the General Secretary. Of course! It was
quite accidental at Jwalaji. Com. Balu, Ex-Circle Secretary, Tamilnadu was the
instrumental in my elevation at that time. I am recording my sincere thanks to
him. The wave length existing between me and our President Com. M. Krishnan is
almost the same and we had a very perfect understanding and without his
cooperation and guidance, I can't place this much records. My special thanks to
Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary who is always in CHQ without minding
time and working very hard assisted me not only in all my decisions but also
even taking care of my ailing health on all occasions. Similarly I am placing on
records my thanks to Com. Somenath Mukherjee, Ex-Deputy General Secretary Com.
Com. R. Sivannarayana, Deputy General Secretary for their unstinted cooperation
and affection during this period. The love and affection shown by my Office
bearers and Circle secretaries are laudable which I enjoyed throughout these six
years. My abundant thanks to all of them. Com C.C.Pillai and Com K. Ragavendran
Ex Secretary Generals contributed a lot for my effective functioning and we had
a perfect understanding during those days. I record my sincere thanks to them.
Com. K. M. Ramesh, my advocate in Chennai rendered all legal assistance and
vacated the stay and dismissed the BPEF case and all other Tamilnadu court
cases. My special thanks to him.
My staff, My
press & My caretaker
My staff,
Com. Shiv Lal, Com Dhananjay and Naveen, despite my strict posture in office
work, loved me very much and very affectionately. They learnt many things from
me! Of Course, Our CHQ is the only union adopting the principle of model
employer treating its staff as equals. I have received enormous cooperation from
the Press and in particular from Sri Pradeep, Owner of Deep Printers in
publishing Ventures, Handbooks, GDS Crusader GDS Refresher and also the Bhartiya
Post to my taste. I remember and salute him at this juncture. I will be failing
my duty if I did not mention Com Jaiprakash, Secretary, Lodhi Road who is my
caretaker in the Sarojini Nagar quarters. The love and affection of Delhi
divisional secretaries and comrades are ever rememberable.
Comrades, the inspiration
As you know, I
am retiring from the department service on 31st May 2012, I am
getting ready to leave. I recall my association with you with great pride and
with greater happiness. I am taking leave with more happiness. A man born and
brought up in a remote village of Tamilnadu and served this august movement with
sincerity and devotion right from 1974 ie. 38 years of unstinted trade union
services; experienced with joys and tribulations in the public service is being
relieved from the service while holding the highest echelon as General Secretary
and Leader Staff Side in the midsts of love and affections of all my comrades
throughout the nation which itself is the glory I am blessed. I am placing on
records my special thanks to my Tamilnadu Comrades who were the object for my
elevation and they were with me in the days of many tribulations and shared my
burdens. My Narasimhulu who is associated with me during these 37 years shared
all my sorrows during the days of tribulation and remained with me. My special
thanks to my friend who is the example of the real friendship.
affection all along
I am
especially grateful to you for your cooperation and good will all through my
career as General Secretary of this union. The affectionate welcome and
reception I enjoyed right from divisions to circles throughout these years are
the sweetest memories I am taking along with me at this time. I am
indeed proud of our association and thank you and also to your office bearers
and your members having made me to do service sincerely since six
Keep an inch
space in your heart for constant repair
A man is a
bundle of relations; a knot of roots whose flower and fruits are very dear and
sweet. A man should always keep his relations in constant repairs. Friendship is
like love is destroyed by long absence and increased by short intermissions. We
have seen many great leaders who have been forgotten due to out of sight. My
only request before all of you “ Kindly allot an inch space in your heart and
keep me in constant repair which I feel the most pleased and privilege for the
service I rendered to this august movement.
I look forward
to staying in touch with you always and my service is also always
(K. V.
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