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Various Fees Concessions in KV under Article 123 of Education Code

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has instructed all head of Institutions coming under its control to educate parents and public regarding Article 123 of Education Code which covers the fees concessions in KV.  The letter dated 10.5.2012 written in this regard by KV Sangathan and Text ofArtcile 123 of Education code are reproduced below.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

File No.110335/1/2012-KVSHQ(Acad.)
Date 10.05.2012
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.
Subject : Fee Concession in Kendriya Vidyalayas
Sir / Madam,
As per Article 123 of Education Code various concession in the fee have been provided to the students. However, it has come to our notice that such provisions are not known to a large number of parents. As a result, they directly approach KVS HQs with queries. Hence, it is requested that principal of KVs under your jurisdiction be given instruction to publicize the provision of Article 123 and display it on the school website so that deserving students get the benefit of such provision.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Chandana Mandal)
Dy. Commissioner (Acad.)
KVS Education Code
Article 123 Concessions:
a)      If more than one child of the same parent is studying in class IX to XII of Kendriya Vidyalaya, the child in the higher class shall pay full tuition fee and second child only half of the tuition fee, whether the latter is studying in the same or in any other Kendriya Vidyalaya.
b)      Deserving students whose parents/guardians are not in a position to pay the prescribed tuition fee may be exempted from payment of such fee to the extent indicated below
I.            Full and half-fee concession may be granted at this discretion of the principal to not more than 20 % of the total number of students on roll in each of the Secondary and Senior Secondary classes as on 31st July of the year, provided the cost of this concession does not at any time exceed 10% of full concession. For this purpose, the total number of students on roll shall be exclusive of total number of students of the exempted categories availing fee concession.
II.            The number of fee concessions shall not be altered during the year but any freeship or half-freeship, within the prescribed limit not granted at the beginning of the year or which has become available in the course of the year or which has become available in the course of the year by reason of a free of half-free scholar ceasing to be a student , may be awarded to other deserving students.
III.            If the number of eligible students entitled to the mentioned in (i) above exceeds the number permissible within the financial limits laid down therein, the concession shall be restricted to more deserving students on the basis of merit , such merit being determined on the basis of their relative performance at the preceding annual examination or by holding where necessary , a special examination for the purpose of determining their inter se merit.

Courtesy :

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