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Of late RTI applicants are using Indian postal order [IPO] for paying filing fee and other charges. I append below few rules which will be useful to RTI users:
1. IPOs are available in denominations of Re. 0.50, 1, Rs. 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50 and 100/-.

2. Commission per IPO is Re1 to Rs.3 depending upon denomination. For Rs.10 IPO commission is Re.1/-.

3. Value of IPO can be increased by maximum Rs.3/- by affixing unused postal stamps not exceeding 4 on its face. Each stamp should not exceed Re1. Hence, say if you want to pay Rs.12 [and post office does not have denominations below Rs.10, you can buy IPO of Rs.10 and affix two postal stamps of Re.1 [ or 4 stamps of 50 paisa] each on its face. This way IPO will be for Rs.12. This facility of value addition is not applicable to IPO of Rs.100/-.

4. IPO is valid for 24 months from the last date of the month in which IPO is purchased from post office.

5. IPO older than 24 months as above can be revalidated for next 12 months by paying prescribed commission for that denomination of IPO in the form of postal stamps to be affixed on the reverse of IPO.

6. IPO older than 36 months from last day of the month of issue will be forfeited if presented for payment.

7. Purchaser can get refund of IPO within 6 months from last day of month of issue by surrendering original IPO and counterfoil. Purchaser can also get refund after expiry of 6 months from last day of month of issue but before 12 months from last day of month of issue of IPO provided he pays commission for renewal at prescribed rate by affixing stamps on the reverse of IPO to be refunded.

8. In case of loss of IPO, refund can be claimed by submitting counterfoil to Superintendent of Post Offices under whose jurisdiction issuing post office operates. However, refund of lost IPO will not be made before expiry of 36 months from last day of the month of issue of IPO. Claim for lost IPO should be made within 24 months from last day of month of issue. If counterfoil is not available, then number, date and post office of issue should be mentioned in the application for refund.

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